
Az Undorgrund 2011.03.31-i rádióműsora

Aki a Raveonettes-et szereti, rossz ember nem lehet. Ebben a szellemben készült az e heti műsor, és nem, David Bowie igazából nem haldoklik.01 The Kills - Future Starts Slow02 Moon Duo - When You Cut03 The Raveonettes - Recharge & Revolt04 Brave Irene - No Fun05 Craft Spells - You Should…


indie flaming lips the alter peter bjorn and john the raveonettes undorgrund rádió mi neon indian hunx and his punx moon duo the dirtbombs young prisms funeral party kills brave irene craft spells ringo deathstarr scumbag philosopher


Az Undorgrund 2011.03.03-i rádióműsora

Mindenből egy kicsi: indie, garázszaj, new wave, disco, electropunk!01 The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart -  Belong02 The Babies - Meet Me In The City03 Ringo Deathstar - Do It Every Time04 The Megaphonic Thrift - Neues05 Hotels - The Bat Watusi06 Metronomy - She Wants07 Paris Suit Yourself -…


indie szeged alter does it offend you yeah? hotels metronomy undorgrund rádió mi the pains of being pure at heart we are enfant terrible she wants revenge the death set the babies ringo deathstar the megaphonic thrift paris suit yourself malachai funeral party heretics? art vs science

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